The only products bundle your bearded loved ones will ever need! Handcrafted with love and only pure, natural, organic ingredients, these herbal beard care wonders will make you the lumberjack of your dreams; in a glorious-beard-sort-of-way ;)
WOODS beard oil to moisturize, nourish, and promote healthy hair growth, and SHARP beard balm for structuring, styling, and shaping your most magnificent mane!
When stored properly {sealed, in a cool, dark, place, and away from moisture and sunlight}, salves, balms, and oils will last between 3-6 months.
SHARP: Cocoa Butter, Shea Butter, Beeswax, Sweet Almond Oil, Sandalwood Essential Oil, Cedarwood Essential Oil, Bergamot Essential Oil, Black Spruce Essential Oil
WOODS: Jojoba Oil, Rosehip Seed Oil, Rosemary infused oil {avocado oil, rosemary}, Vitamin E Oil, Essential Oil Blend
SHARP: Warm a small amount from tin between two hands, then use to shape and style beard accordingly. Use after applying WOODS beard oil for maximum beardliness.
WOODS: Apply 5-10 drops of oil into palms of hands, and massage with fingers through facial hair